Griechenland Übernachtungssteuer
Für Aufenthalte ab dem 1.1.2018 erhebt die griechische Regierung eine Übernachtungssteuer, die vom Gast vor Ort, vergleichbar einer Kurtaxe, zu entrichten ist. Die Höhe richtet sich nach Art/Kategorie der Unterkunft und ist von 0,50 Euro-4 € pro Tag und Zimmer gestaffelt.
80 Einheiten insgesamt
Arten von Unterkünften
Euro / Nacht des Aufenthalts |
Mid – High Season (01/03-31/10)
Euros/Day of stay |
Landeskategorie 5 Sterne | 4 |
Landeskategorie 4 Sterne | 3 |
Landeskategorie 3 Sterne | 1.5 |
Landeskategorie 1-2 Sterne | 0.5 |
Apartments – all key categories | 0.5 |
The amount you’ll pay is based on the official rating of the accommodation you have booked, according to the local Tourist Board classification. Our own accommodation rating will give you a good indication of the standard of the accommodation and is usually similar to the official rating, but there’s sometimes small differences between ratings. By using our own rating, you’ll be able to work out an approximate amount to pay.
<strong>When and how to pay:</strong>
You’ll be asked to pay the tax when you check-in at your accommodation, this can be paid by cash or card
<strong>Why do I have to pay:</strong>
The tax is something new and specifically aimed at tourists. It’s a cost beyond our control and the suppliers of the accommodation. It’s a Government imposed tax that has to be paid when you stay in accommodation in Greece. Whilst our brochure and website holiday information does mention the possibility of local taxes like this, we understand this cost is something you probably weren’t expecting to pay and are sorry the Government has decided to bring this in so quickly.
If or when we receive any further information from the Government of Greece we’ll publish details on this page.